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Writer's pictureMelissa Nace

Watch out Greece, here we come!

When John and I started dating again a few months ago (that's a story for another time), one of the first things he said was that I have a big birthday coming up this year. He wanted to know where I wanted to go. WOW! Nobody had asked me this questions--EVER!

After some thought, I gave him three choices: Italy, Greece, or Peru. We settled on Peru because he had already gone to Italy with someone else and wanted to go somewhere new with me and since he is from Ecuador, we decided to save the Peru trip for another time.

Well, here we are the week of our trip. I can't believe that we started planning this back in March and it is here! I am so excited, but I've learned lots of things about Greece and experienced some frustrations during the planning process.

Things I've learned:

  1. Greece is too big and has too many island to do it all. :(

  2. Be careful when booking flights/ferries to and form the islands. It's tricky and one mistake cost us a few $$$ that we can't recoup.

  3. Make sure to get an international driver's license if you want to rent transportation AND don't be fooled, you will need a motorcycle license to rent and drive those cute little scooters.

  4. Look around for excursions because there are some good deals out there.

  5. Communicate with AirBNB hosts! They are so helpful.

  6. Finally, don't let your significant other tell you that you only need a carry on for 2 weeks! LOL

I'm sure that more will come to light as I finish packing and head to the airport, but to say that I am a little excited is an understatement. We have amazing places to stay booked with private beach and amazing views. There is so much history to see in Greece. Yes, it will be hot, but isn't that what the beach and siestas are for!?!

Talk soon, my fellow travelers,


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