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Day 7–Marble everywhere

Well, it’s hard to believe that we have been here 7 days already. There are constantly new things to see and explore.

Today, after a delicious breakfast at a local bakery of spinach pie for me and minced meat pie for John, we went to the old marble town. Almost everything is made from marble including the pavers in the streets. Pretty cool to see.

We enjoyed some cold fresh juice before continuing another 45 minutes through the mountains to a secluded beach.

There we encountered a small family run cafe. John had a beer and I had a mojito before heading to the water. The water was almost as clear as a swimming pool but a little chilly. It felt amazing after the long, twisty, windy, dusty ride in the buggy. We spent about an hour or so enjoying the water and relaxing.

After leaving the beach, we returned to the cafe for some food. We had a delicious Greek salad with no lettuce. John had fresh fried calamari that was caught by the owners father. I had a Naxian burger which was freshly made by the mother. Fried Naxian potatoes came with it, along with that amazing ketchup that they have here in Europe. The owners name is John in English. He just opened the place at the beginning of July. The food was good and the atmosphere was relaxing.

After having our fill, we got back in the buggy for our return hour and a half trip to Naxos City. It was hot and I had a hard time staying awake. Poor John had to keep himself awake since I kept dozing off, although it is hard for us to talk anyway in the noisy buggy.

We finally arrived in Naxos City and after finding a place to park, we started walking toward Apollo’s Temple for sunset. It was pretty busy but we were able to get some good pictures. On our way to the Temple, we did grab some fresh juice and John learned that there is a big difference between lemon juice and lemonade.

Finally we, decided it was time to head back to the Airbnb. We avoided the foot traffic by walking along the beach and for my sea glassing friends, we were able to find some good pieces including a small piece of turquoise glass and a darker green piece.

Now we are trying to relax and here the windows must stay open since the air conditioning is all natural, so we can hear the screaming kids from the family who began their stay last evening. It’s been the last 2 evenings that the kid is fussy at 9:30-10:00pm. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tomorrow should be an even more chill day with maybe some wineries before we prepare to head back to the mainland.

Good night.

Today’s take aways:

  1. According to John, always get a double cappuccino.

  2. Spinach pie is the bomb in Greece.

  3. Trying to listen to music in a buggie is impossible.

  4. Ask to use the wifi when you are out and about, especially at restaurants.

  5. Remember, no paper in the toilets here. I think I’ve finally gotten used to that again because it is the same in Costa Rica and Ecuador.

  6. Bread, bread, and more bread—but it’s mostly good bread. Cheese and olive oil come in close second as staples.

  7. Reminder that water has high specific heat, so the ocean isn’t as warm as one would imagine.

  8. Lemon juice is just that—lemon juice straight from the lemon. Nothing is added. It’s like sucking on the fruit! 🍋🤔

  9. It IS possible to doze off while in a loud, bumpy buggie. 💤

  10. Put young kids to bed before they start screaming at 10pm.

  11. Love the life you are living. Take the drive and find the more secluded beaches. 🏝

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